The Small Business System


The new Small Business Version of our WH&S Risk Management System has been developed to specifically address the needs of small businesses i.e. those typically employing from 1 to around 7 employees.

The majority of all workers are employed by these small businesses however very few have been able to properly address their legal obligations for safety in the workplace due to the prohibitive costs in both money and time required to research, develop and implement suitable systems to demonstrate compliance.

This has left the majority of business owners and managers potentially exposed to prosecutions under this legislation should an accident or incident occur at or related to their workplace.

The New Small Business Version of the Verbena WH&S Risk Management System now provides all small businesses with the tools to quickly & easily;

  • Identify the Legislative issues applying to their business

  • Assess and manage the hazards & risks

  • Implement practical & workable compliance management systems and then

  • Get on with the job of running their business

The system is based on the full versions of our WH&S Risk Management Systems, thereby providing the formal and auditable structure required to demonstrate compliance, but with reduced and simplified content & procedures to address the needs of small business.

Cost is no longer an issue as a system licence can be purchased for only $350.00 + GST making it affordable for any business.

If you own or manage a small business, you need this product!   

Order a copy Now:

NOTE: (If your business employs more than 7 workers but carries out only Low Risk activities in a Safe Environment and you do not intend to apply for Government or Corporate contracts, then the Small Business System may still suffice)